I had a rather productive day today. Managed to make headway with the enormous amount of school work I had to get through and I got two miniatures finished off it my sunny back garden. The gladiator ogre and the Jack o' Lantern familiar, both I believe by Jes Goodwin.
Wanting to try something different with the ogre's skin I opted to use yellow in my standard flesh mix. I was hoping to achieve a sallow looking skin as a result but I am not too sure if I have been successful. I also used a far darker base colour to create the shading than I would normally use. The jury is out!
I am very pleased with the metallics though, especially the bronze pauldron. I have a hankering to tinker with this recipe for golden metal again soon, if I can find a suitable figure to try it out on. It was simple to achieve. Bronze basecoat with a brown wash, highlighted with a bright gold. As simple as that! For the chainmail I used a variety of techniques, mostly drybrushing and a little edge highlighting with a bright silver. I added depth here and there with a little black ink too. The result is pleasing as silver armour is an area I am keen to improve.
I even went as far to add toenails and a couple of nasty spots to the figure to help add character. The mohawk was great fun to paint and as you can see I went for a odious '80s green.

The black leather was really easy to achieve too. I just painted the strips black, painted over the top with grey and then used a finer brush to paint a thin black line through the centre. Quickest piece of highlighting I think I've ever done. The eyes, lip and scar were created through purple and red washes followed by a final bleach bone highlight of the features. Pure white was used to pick out his two protruding teeth.
A very nice model this one, though a little bit more primatively sculpted than the other ogres in the range I have painted so far.

This was today's second completed model. He was great fun too and I tried to contrast the orange of his pumpkin with the tatty earthy colours of his ragged clothes. I highlighted the whole model from the pumpkin down in bleached bone to give him a slightly weathered look. This familiar is after all supposed to represent a scarecrow brought to magical life. I toyed with painting magical lights in his eyes but in the end I thought the black contrasted better and added more depth.
He feels more akin to the Night Horrors range to me though, than the other familiars... but he's finished.