Tuesday 2 September 2014

Fighting Fantasy: You Are The Hero Review! Serious Oldhammer Alert!

I must admit that I was amazed that my copy of You Are The Hero: A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks arrived through my post box this morning. As far as I was aware, the book wasn't yet available and was due to be published next week. 

To be honest, I didn't even know about it (or the Kickstarter that funded its creation) until last week when my friend Stuart mentioned the book on the Oldhammer Facebook page. Following the link, it really wasn't much of a struggle to convince myself to click on the 'buy' button and get my hands on a copy.

I am now really, really glad that I did, for the book is a joy! An absolute joy! 

The book itself is organised into about thirty chapters and to say that those chapters are comprehensive would be an understatement. The first couple of chapters concentrate on how Ian and Steve met, how GW was founded and how the first Fighting Fantasy book, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain', was conceived, designed and produced. Then there are a series of chapters that document the art and artists that made the series so appealing and enduring, including many concept sketches and loads of previously unpublished material. John Blanche, Ian McCraig, Martin McKenna and many more are included and quoted. 

Subsequent chapters chronicle the books in the order they were published, with every title explored in varying depths. Warlock, the famous magazine devoted to FF, gets a chapter to itself, and Derek the Troll makes an appearance too! Chapters detail the development of F.I.S.T, the Sorcery books and the other enterprises Steve and Ian were involved in, including the fascinating story of Goldhawk - or FF for younger readers! 

With an entire chapter to devoted to 'lost books', there are plenty of opportunities for even knowledgable fans like myself to learn something new, and many of the cancelled books were new to me! But the chapters on the boargame versions are of particular interest because it is here that the old school world of Warhammer, Citadel and FF are the closest linked. Even the plastic Fighting Fantasy Heroes range put out by Citadel get a lengthy mention. 

Bryan is even quoted! 

The final chapters look to the future, with sections detailing TinMan's excellent gamebook apps and incredible new Sorcery series from Inklebooks. 

Even if you have a slimmest interest in FF this book is worth buying. Every page brings a new memory, a new fact and a bigger, broader smile! 

Go buy it!


  1. This sounds amazing. Any chance you can post a direct link to where to buy it from?

  2. Sure thing, the Amazon page is here... http://www.amazon.co.uk/You-are-Hero-Jonathan-Green/dp/1909679364

    1. Ahh, thanks! I didn't even think to look on Amazon, I assumed it might be only available direct when you mentioned Kickstarter. Definitely one for my wish list!

  3. Thanks for the great review! My smile is certainly bigger and broader now. If you wouldn't mind, a quick review submitted to Amazon would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Thanks for such a great book! I am reading a chapter a day before sleep and enjoying it enormously! How about an app version of Out Of The Pit next? (:

  4. Okay Orlygg, if you say so, I'll do it :) Did plan on buying it anyway. Just didn't know it was out, yet! Thanks for the heads-up

  5. Looks absolutely amazing. I wonder if the timing of a recent article on the BBC site is a coincidence. Follow the link on my blog post below. Also have a good look on that link for an excellent older article on the 'dangers' of D&D, as perceived by whackos. Amazing to think how subversive it was in its heyday.


  6. Oh! I have to get this book. Thanks for this. I have an original WoFTM book, its been with me since the 1980's. GBS

  7. Order placed - thought I'd missed this when I missed the Kickstarter. Would love to get down to Fighting Fantasy Fest down in London too but sadly that won't happen.

    On another related note - had a great first day back at school with my Y6's. We played through the old classroom adventure Ian Livingstone wrote and they even moved onto starting out on the actual game books in small groups. I had Citadel of Chaos, Battleblade Hero, Caverns of the Snow Witch, Scorpion Swamp, Trial of the Champions, Temple of Terror and a few others on the go this afternoon - great fun!

    I can always argue that this purchase is research to the wife but not sure I can wangle it on the school expenses account...

    1. Ahhh! School expenses! My head has upgraded my 'Card and Collectible club to a full blown Oldhammer club during this week's assembly. I am bringing in two full armies and my new gaming board next week!

    2. Nice one - not quite there with the miniatures myself but we did start the Tower of the Sorcerer (the sample adventure in Dungeoneer) as a class on Friday!

      All the best with your new club, sounds very exciting.

  8. I didn't even know this was a thing. Been meaning to pick up a copy of The World of Titan, now I'll have to add this to the list.

  9. Phil, very little to do with YOU ARE THE HERO has been coincidence, including the recent BBC article. ;-)

  10. Cor. I never read any Fighting Fantasy books when I was wee, but I think I'd like to get this book just for the illustrations.

  11. Been looking at this, just thought i could not afford it at the moment, maybe get the paperback version....but after seeing this review...just ordered the HB version looks like it has really lovely artwork, can`t wait to read it :)
