
Thursday 10 December 2015

The Pantheon Of Chaos Miniatures Project: An update!

Way back in August I spoke to you about a really exciting project; Pantheon of Chaos. If you don't recall this work in progress range, let me explain a little further. Essentially, a group of sculptors aim to create a series of miniatures (and later rules) inspired by the seminal Realm of Chaos books from the late '80s. 

Well, I had a message from Mustafa Bekir (one of the key players in the project) the other day about some further images from the forthcoming range, so I jumped at the chance of sharing them here. They are, quite frankly, incredible and perfectly capture that mid-to-late '80s Citadel Chaos feel, as the two chaos warrior WIP greens above this writing will attest. 

Mustafa had a great deal to share, so let us have a sneak peak at what they have in store for us!

First up, a range of concept art. I will let the illustrations speak for themselves, but I will say this - don't they look like they were culled from old issues of White Dwarf? The style has been nailed down remarkably well!

There is an excellent Facebook group that the masterminds behind the project have set up. With nearly 700 members at the time of writing, there are certainly a great number of interested people following the development. And like many great community projects, the sculptors are very keen for leadheads to share their ideas and critique the work in progress. 

It is a closed group, so you will have to join. It can be found here: Pantheon on FB.

Next up, the greens! Now remember, most of what you are seeing must be considered to be work in progress but the work that has gone into some of these models is incredible. Just like with this hobgoblin in chaos armour!

Oh, and their beastman range too!!

You are probably thinking - I wonder how well they paint up? Well, I can answer that one too. First up a chaos thug, sculpted in such a way as to represent any one of the major chaotic powers. 

And a superb chaos warrior of Nurgle. Outstanding I am sure you will agree.

I was also lucky enough to be given a copy of a new concept artwork from Tony Ackland - who is continuing to support the creative procress. 

And here is the work in progress sculpt. What fantastic work on that armour, eh?

Big thanks to Mustafa for sharing these with me. I shall be continuing to share content in support of this project and will let you all know when the kickstarter begins in February. I can't wait!!



  1. Totally stoked, if Diego and the guys carry on making miniatures I'll keep buying them!

  2. Fantastic review again!! Thanks so much for giving us this opportunity ;)

  3. Wow! You said there was going to be a kickstarter feb? Can't wait!

  4. These look fantastic. I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for that Kickstarter.

  5. Awesome News!
    ..and that was some report, goddammit, so impressive project!
