
Sunday 6 December 2015

A return to normal services?

This is one of those obligatory 'I am not dead' posts that crop up on dormant blogs the world over, and those of you who grew up in the United Kingdom (like I did) will well recognise the image I chose to open this post with. It is a 'telly test card' if you didn't know, and used to appear quite regularly when nothing was available for broadcast, usually very late or extremely early, and it was a constant companion of childhood. Well, for those children who did not tarry long in bed. 

So where have I been? The answer is simple - I have been here all along, but I just haven't had the time (through a series of events that have no place here) to really engage at all with the Oldhammer Community. Sure, I was able to drop in through social media - but any real Oldhammering long ground to a halt. 

This is my first attempt at getting it going again. 

I have a number of half-finished posts loitering around to complete, including my write ups from Night of the Living Lead, and I hope to get them out shortly, time permitting. I am also mulling over a mini project to get be back into the swing of things. I am months behind in the Tale of Four Oldhammerers thing that Steve, Chico and Paul are racing ahead with too. Luckily, Christmas beckons and with it some much needed opportunities to sit at my modelling table, when I've tided it up! 

But before any of that, I have a great post to share about that Pantheon of Chaos project that I blogged about a few months back. I just need to finish writing it up. I think readers of this blog will find it most interesting!

Until then! 



  1. Replies
    1. Typical, you are all sweetness and light when you want something.. Then you drop me like a stone!

  2. Life on Mars has since made me hate that creepy test card girl...

    1. I should of Photoshopped a Great Unclean One in place of that clown!!

  3. Just like to say that I'v really enjoyed reading your articles and interviews on this fine have turned me on to 3rd ed, and am considering buying a copy on ebay!

    1. Do it! The opportunities are endless with that single book alone!

  4. Hmm, Foxleaf beat me two it. Well I will have to second what he said. Except that I just downloaded all the books from scribd! For now...

    1. Do it! There is nothing quite like owning the original books and flicking through them on the lav! (;

  5. Really enjoy your site, so was a bit worried when there had been no updates for a while, but good to know it was just a break :-)
