
Friday 14 April 2017

Marauder Landsknecht Halfling

I like to think he is patting his stomach either in appreciation of something he has just eaten, or something he will soon tuck into!
Last Friday, I posted my thoughts about how hobbywise I'd become stuck in a rut. One of my solutions (apart from focusing on blogging once again, I hope you are appreciating my efforts!) was to plunge my hand into my foot deep stash of old minis and paint the first thing my fingers clasp hold of. I was hoping for a beastman or chaos warrior but instead I ended up with this tiny figure. It being a Marauder fig, initially I considered dropping him back in and repeating the process but I stuck to my guns and painted him up. 

I am jolly well glad that I did too. As he was great fun to work on and took practically no time at all to complete. He comes from the Halfling Militia set circa that wonderful year, 1989. There were a small number of models in the set and I am sure Marauder did a second group of halfling figures a little later on, but I am no expert in their ranges. 

Obviously, he has shades of the landsknecht about him so I went for a myriad of colours on his outfit. Looking back, I feel that my shading was a little too heavy handed on the folds of the clothing and look too black. But he is the first model I have painted in this scale for many months. 

I hope you like him.

Sammy Shortsausage feared a long wait for the nearest loo!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil! I think I need to keep my eyes open for more of 'em! (:

  2. The colour choices are superb as is the paint job. Brilliant work and great to see you back painting again.

    1. I selected the colours at randomly really, just the first pots that came out of my store, so I am glad that you like them! Its funny how rusty your skills become if you don't paint regularly too!

  3. I agree that he is a great mini...much like the rest of that small but characterful range. Sadly these were the last of the "small" halflings...after this they grew to be beardless dwarfs with the release of the Empire halflings. Anyway...great painting on a very fun figure.

    1. Do you mean the dubiously named Fighting Cocks Blue? I hadn't realised (having never seen them in the real world) that their scale changed. I really enjoy painting up these tiny figures as they are a bit of a challenge at times but full of character.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, the Shortsausages are a reknowned hobbit family famous for their charcuterie.

  5. Love it. A great paint job for a great miniature.

    1. Thanks Ismael. He is a good start to my return to miniature painting at 28mm scale. But I can do better I think!

  6. You've managed to make him wear loud clothes without it being garish - good work!

    1. I actually dress like this in my everyday life, so have many years experience. I am glad you noticed! (:

  7. Looks great (even though I have to differ from you about Marauder minis - I love the weird-looking things)!

    1. I used to loathe them in years past, but many of the sculpts are now growing on me and my views are changing. You'll see more Marauder in future I suspect, particularly these halflings. Thanks by the way! (:

  8. Lovely work James as ever. He drips with so much character he's swimming in it!

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