
Tuesday 31 May 2016

Space Raiders: Kev Adams 80s Space Ork Kickstarter

Hello all! No sooner was I back at the paint station working on a few Nurgle pieces then Diego (Pantheon of Chaos mastermind) dropped me a line about another one of his projects. 80s style Rogue Trader style orks from Kev Adams and others!

The greens you have seen above made my jaw drop and smile at the same time. They are both crisp and modern but seem to step out of an 80s issue of White Dwarf.

But what else would you expect considering the names involved?

The sharp eyed among you may recall a similar project put out by Diego a while back. In fact the painted models you can see above were part of that project if my memory serves me correctly. Those were excellent but these new sculpts surpass them in many ways.

Just look at the design and sculpting prowess in this green below!

Incredible eh? As I said, Kev's new space orks step right out of the glory years of Rogue Trader and beg you to paint their armour red and scrawl 'kil 'kil kil' across it!

Here is a closer inspection of some of the characters available.

Diego explained to me that many of the models you see here have interchangeable parts and so many different combinations are possible. Take a look here for an example.

Then there is the important issue of scale. As you can see from this side by side the measurements are bang on classic 80s Rogue Trader!

There is also a Rogue Trader style Grom the Paunch!

Of course, this being Diego there are plenty of future plans too. I will leave you with a quick glimpse of these before I go.

As we have come to expect from Diego the project is already funded but if you are interested in jumping on board the link is here:

Space Raiders : The Orcs are Here!!


  1. There's a lot to love about the Space Raider Orks. Even though I have no huge appetite for Ork models, I find myself excited about this regardless and hopeful I can convince the Ork players I know to get a few.

    The space Fimir is much more up my street, though. I've previously featured Chaos Dwarfs in my 40K RPG: "Black Squats", to be exact, armed with blasphemous heretek and aided by their genetically engineer Ork servants. I've given a little thought to what sci-fi Fimir would be like and figures to enact those ideas would be very much appreciated!

    1. I think you are on the money when you say that there is going to be more interest from us old hands from 'Space_______ (insert lesser known WH race here). I for one am looking out for 'space snotlings' or even better 'space treemen!!' (:

  2. Here's the link to the kickstarter :

  3. I'm hoping they'll go on sale somewhere after the Kickstarter as I have more pressing needs for my hobby budget and no immediate use for [more] Space Orks.

    1. I do too - Diego has suggested that these models will one day become available online.

  4. I've always loved the padded jackets, for some reason.

    1. Me too! They look like proper space orks to me. The later versions lost their comic charm and become too brutal and menacing.

  5. Those are awesome, but I believe link is broken.

  6. Drool drool drool.....................

    Rogue Trader Grom especially interests me.

    1. Perhaps he will do 'Space Skaven' next, eh? That will get your whiskers wiggling, wouldn't it?

  7. Oh my... those are some fine looking Space Orks!

  8. J'adore le style du pirate ork de l'espace au premier plan avec le bandage sur l'oeil!
    La peinture est magnifique et la figurine sublime...bravo
