
Saturday 13 February 2016

A Warhammer Bestiary: Minotaur

Minotaurs are some of my favourite models to use in Warhammer Third Edition. I love the rules that accompany them and I love many of the Citadel ranges available - bar the truly hideous 21st century plastic ones.

Here are my favourite of favourites...

Now these models date from the mid to late 1980s are were sculpted by a number of different GW personalities of that time. Their hybrid creation isn't what interests me though, it is the curious fact that this range of minotaurs are designed to sit on a 25mm square base. They are slightly smaller than the more well known minotaur lords put out around the same time, and have these amusing detachable heads. With ten bodies and nine heads 'out there' they are really quite easy to use to create interesting variants too. 

As you can see in the photograph I headed this blogpost with, I have just completed work on yet another of these models. There wasn't much light today (I prefer to work in pure natural light) but I manged to grab and hour or two to complete him this morning. Despite doing his best to destroy the lampshade behind him, he is standing proud and ready to pound his enemies into a soggy mess. And what a pounding a minotaur can give in Warhammer Third Edition. Let's have a look at their rules...

Blood-greed is one of my preferred rules. I love fielding minotaurs and then rolling to see if they become so infatuated with flesh, that they begin to rip apart the corpses of the dead rather than fighting. Foolish is the foe who disturbs them too, as a frenzied minotaur is even more deadly in combat. 

Mind you, the dice gods have never really looked on my with kindness when I am put in this situation, or in the heat of battle, I forget about the rule entirely. 

Still, they are some of my favourite models in the ranges. 



  1. GWs minotaur minis were great around this era.I think i had pretty much every single minotaur on that page at one point. sadly they started turning into marsupials (look at the faces on the newer ones they actually look like kangaroos) but yours is looking great. you just need to throw him into a maze now :)

    1. Thank you, though I must admit to speed painting him. I had plans to make him a little more purple but in the end the tone just didn't show through. I would love to have some more of these minotaurs in the future too.

  2. I modelled a nice and grisly token to go along with my minotaurs to remind me of blood-greed. That seemed to do the job.
    I did the same for other units with oft-forgotten special rules too - it works best on the rules that affect movement since the token catches your attention when you start shifting the unit around.

    1. Now that is a very fine idea! A fine idea indeed! And one I shall most definitely be using. Thank you!

  3. Super! That's broken my painter's block, couldn't decide what to paint next after my Caledonian Commandos. My minotaur of this era is a single piece casting doing a sort of boybandesque 'fist of pure emotion', that I've owned for decades.

    1. Ha! Just be sure to take a photograph of him with water running over his muscular torso once complete!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Steve. I think I got him from you!

  5. Hey can someone help me out. I have a minotaur like the first picture, with no axes only fists, and I'm trying to find the new Age of Sigmar warscroll to use him. But the problem is that I can only find a warscroll that has then with the axes. Please help.
