
Saturday 10 October 2015

Oldhammer at the Wargames Foundry: Night of the Living Dead III October 31st

Hello once again to you, my dear reader. I find myself having to apologise once more for a lack of posts of late but things have changed at work and, for the moment, I seem to have less free time than ever. In addition, all work on Oldhammer related projects has ceased and my workbench has slowly built up a layer of junk - most of which has been placed their by the wife for me to sort out. 

I plan to begin tidying up shortly after posting this missive. 

Though I am not able to do much Oldhammering at the moment, my mind is always wistfully contemplating what projects to work on next. One very welcome thought is thus - I shall soon be back in Newark at the Wargames Foundry playing classic Warhammer with some mighty fine fellows. 

My friend, and Games Master extraordinaire, Paul Mitchell (aka Warlord Paul), will be running a Halloween themed game for us involving gnomes of some description. 

Here is the pre-game guidance:

Warlord Paul Presents (in association with Richard Irvine): Chapter Three of The Albion Adventures.

News has spread of weird goings on in the Gnomish mining village of Thingwall. YOU are an adventurer, called upon to aid the little people in their hour of need. But all is not as it seems...

An adventure for small bands of warriors (3-5 models) using the Warhammer 3rd edition rules.

As I understand it, many of the usual Oldhammer enthusiasts will be attending, names that readers of this blog will no doubt recognise, such as; Richard 'Where the Sea Pours' Irvine, Steve 'Eldritch Epistles' Casey, Steve 'Somewhere the tea's getting cold' Beales, the venerable Tony 'Shadowkings' Yates and many others. 

I have heard dark rumours that the thrice damned Wayne England may also be visiting Foundry on that day. 

Of course, YOU are very much welcome to attend to! This is no private event and if you are in the area and fancy popping down to Foundry on the 31st of October this month, then please do. If you have classic GW games of your own (or something entirely different) then pop down too, as the place has a lovely atmosphere and we'd all be very pleased to meet you. 

Night of the Living Dead III
Saturday 31st October

Gaming Starts: 10:00am

Foundry Address
The Carriage Court
Stoke Hall
Church Lane
East Stoke

So I only have the palanquin to finish, select a second miniature for The Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers AND create a new mini-warband in a few weeks!!

Thank goodness for half-terms!


  1. Man I wished I lived in England.....can't get anyone interested in Oldhammer around here. Still trying though. I can;t wait to see the BAT REP's.

  2. With the two weekends ahead of Halloween already fully booked up, I'm not going to be able to get out on Halloween as well! Hope you all have fun.

  3. I'll be most definitely there - been rather busy with lots of grown up stuff recently like buying a new house and selling our old one so this will be a good excuse to get Oldhammering again.

    Plus I have a nice little unit of Gnomes painted up who might come in handy...
