
Thursday 27 August 2015

A message from Kevin Adams about his 'Sculpt a Face' for charity session

The Goblinmaster emailed me the other day about the money he raised for charity at the Oldhammer Weekend. If you didn't know, Kev endeavoured to sculpt a face on any miniature given to him to help raise much needed revenue for a child who had suffered burns. And despite the poor light, wobbling flooring and some pretty extreme requests, Mr. Adams just ploughed on and banged out face after face to the amazement of many observers, myself included. 

A few years back, before Oldhammer existed, if anyone had suggested that I would one day watch the great man work - let alone witness him sculpt the faces of my kids (from a picture from the wife's iPad) - I would have told them to 'go away' in slightly stronger terms. But there you go... 

Kev says that the money was paid in earlier this week and went to Enzo's Friends, a charity that supports children with burns and their families. Its based, as far as I can tell, in the Birmingham Hospital Burns Unit. I cannot recall the exact sum he raised on the day, but it was certainly in the hundreds of pounds. The Goblinmaster is also keen to stress that the fantastic idea for the face sculpting wasn't his and credit must go to the mighty Bryan Ansell of Wargames Foundry. 

I asked Kev if the face sculpting for charity was something he would like to do again in future, and he said that he is more than happy to continue doing faces whenever we 'have a do in the tent.' So if you haven't yet had the chance to get something original done by the great man himself, there is hope for the future. 

Mr. Adams went on to state that he had heard there was a buzz online about the faces he created but he hadn't the chance to see his work again. Hence this blog will continue with a gallery of some of the faces he completed on the Saturday. If you have a miniature Kevin worked on at the event and have a picture of it online could you do us a favour and link to the image in the comments section. That way Kev can look at what he achieved in quite challenging circumstances. 


Just don't ask to squeeze his sack! This first model is 'Santa Chico', part of the collection of Oldhammer's well known 'bohemian' Mr. Danks. The face is a likeness of said gentleman. 
Oldhammer event veteran Graham Apperley opted for a classic Kev orc face on this gangster aptly named 'Ork Capone'.
Antipodean, James Armstead, had his face sculpted onto a figure, making the struggle of his lengthy journey from the other side of the globe to Stoke Hall more than worthwhile!!
James Holloway went for a 'Where the Wild Things Are' inspired face.
Yours truly had his son and daughter sculpted on these two squig hopper things.
Scout JB belongs to the impressively named Jean-Baptiste Garidel - commonly known as Asslessman.
Jon Boyce has a goblin face sculpted on to a old ratling sniper. 
Finally, we have Phil Atherton's treeman. Not wanting the face removed, Kev added so foliage around the forehead of the ent. By happenstance, Erny's face can also be spotted lurking behind the treeman. He went for one of the previously unreleased ex-Rogue Trader models that Foundry put on sale at the event. 


  1. That was a wonderful initiative really, having to chat with Kevin with a drink and the legend sculpting our requests was just one of those ideal moments.
    And all tha tfor a good cause, just wonderful !
    I even got to lend my rain jacket to Kevin when he packed his stuff under the rain. I'm wearing that jacket everyday now since.

    1. Good old Kev. I asked him to sign my Slaves to Darkness and he drew a little goblin!

  2. Great to have all these in one place for prosperity, some fantastic work one show.

    1. This is but a selection of his faces. He did more than this I am pretty sure.

  3. Kev is a rock star in my eyes, chatting with him about tattoos and piercings was rather entertaining as well.

    Ho Ho Ho! Who wants to help me empty my sack...

    1. Kev is a get bloke and a real joker. He got me with the old 'wet tissue' hand shake wind up when I saw him in London.

      If you tried the same trick I'd worry what had made the tissue wet!! (;

  4. One day i'll own a Big Hat Chaos Dwarf with my face on it and i'll be happy having helped someno in need. Thanx Kevin to be such a wonderfull man

  5. I was invited to come to to BOYL and I had to decline. The big thing I regret not getting was a Kev Adams sculpt, because those things look awesome!

    I'll definitely need to make time to come next year.

    1. No-one was expecting Kev to offer such a service. It was just another example of 'Oldhammer' creativity- though as we now know, Bryan was behind the idea. Hopefully, Kev will do the same next time.

  6. What a great guy. His major contributions to miniature sculpting aside he's a real stand up guy helping out children when I'm sure his own health isn't 100% recovered.
    Inspirational. Oh and the sculpts are quite humorous.
    Except Chico's. The horror, the horror.

    1. That is what Chico actually looks like in a Christmas outfit. I should know, for he sneaked into my room last Christmas dressed up like that that and asked me to squeeze his sack!
