
Thursday 23 July 2015

McDeath: Greevant Clansmen (Citadel Barbarians) and a Cardstock Winwood Harbour

Five Citadel Barbarians. I really enjoyed painting these. Some of these models have been in my collection for quite some years so it is pleasing to finally complete them. 
All hail thee, thanes of Oldor! I have returned from the last efforts of the school year and now find myself on the first day of my summer break. Five and a half weeks of free time await me and I have several Oldhammer projects on the go to fill those hours. The first project that requires my attention is the primary phase of my McDeath recreation. As long term readers will know, I had to curtail the ambitions a little but I hope to be able to put on the first scenario - Winwood Harbour - at BOYL next week! 

I have just completed work on five old Citadel barbarians (top photograph) that will represent the rank and file clansmen on Clan Greevant. These I started on Monday evening, and despite having to work three days this week they are finished. As before, I stuck to my tried and tested 'speed painting' techniques I developed recently. I also opted for a limited palette - which helps create a coherent 'look' between figures as well as reducing the amount of time I need to spend mixing colours. 

Curiously, I left these figures out in the garden for a while as I was sorting out the needs of my temperamental three year old and when I returned I found that several of the bases had warped slightly in the sun's heat! Can you tell which ones? Later on I intend to replace these bases but as time in short they will have to stay in place. Funny how not all of the bases melted in this way, isn't it?

Greevant clansmen are set upon by an enraged group of McArno revellers. Apparently, the brutal streetfight was caused by a disagreement over whether porridge should have salt in or not! 
I must admit to having taken a liking to one of the new Citadel colours. Kislev Flesh is an excellent base for paler skin and I used it extensively across the five miniatures. I never use paint direct from the pot though and mix my own base colours. For the four 'nordic' style clansmen I added a little brown and red to the mix and highlighted with bleached bone. Khan - the model to the far right - I treated differently as he looks 'eastern' to me. I added yellow instead of brown to this mix but still created highlights with bone. The result was a rather dusky look that fits the character of the model. 

Last time I spoke about McDeath I told you about my little foray into building cardstock scenery. I must confess to really enjoying putting the stuff together. I still find it highly satisfying to carefully cut out the pieces of the models, score the edges and attaching them. They are surprisingly strong if you re-enforce them with card bases too, though don't go standing on any of them. One of the downsides to card buildings are the white undersides showing through. Using black paint, I filled all of these in. The results are pleasing to my eye and make the models seem more 'finished off' if that makes sense to you. 

I didn't have access to the original card buildings for McDeath. I have the pdf as I planned to build proper scale models of each building in time for the Oldhammer Weekend. The pressures of work caused that idea to be moved to the backburner however. Instead, I printed off the remaining buildings I needed for Winwood Harbour: two sod houses and the warehouse. They are slightly paler than the originals, but they will do. Once they are on the table and surrounded by painted miniatures I don't anyone will really notice. 

Only two miniatures remain and I have everything I require for the first scenario. They are the final pair of McDeath Clansmen and the await me downstairs. I hope to have them complete in a day or two. 



  1. I know that you have lamented not doing more for the shield designs but I think the simple ones you have done for these clans men look good.

    1. I agree, they do look okay when painted in this way. They also help tie the McArno and Greevant clans together. I still have a number of characters to do, some of which will get proper hand painted shields, and both of the clans with have banners at some point too!

  2. Leftover sprues or the card frames that you punch the counters out of in board games -- I suppose they're also sprues in a way, although I'm sure they have a proper name -- make for excellent lightweight supports for card buildings. Glue a couple of them on the inside and you'll add a lot of strength.

    1. Thanks for the tip Kelvin - though I tend to use foamboard supports inside to help strength card buildings. Though I must say, just adding a decent base is often enough to really hold them together!

  3. Nice work. I must admit I can't be bothered mixing up my own colours to any extent any more, especially after I found the foundry shade, base and highlight paints when I visited there earlier this year. I'll use up the citadel stuff I have and will use washes from time to time but that is it.

    1. I can really recommend missing your own colours. I find that the tones you can create (especially if you mix in inks as well) are often much more interesting that those that come out of the pot. Try it!

  4. Obviously these chaps from Albion don't like the sun - I'm surprised they didn't all turn into lobsters as well as the bases melting! ; )

    This will be a treat to see next week!

    1. Thanks Steve - but will the War Tortoise be returning once again??
