
Saturday 6 June 2015

The McDeath Project

Hello all...

You are probably wondering where I have been in recent weeks, with the rather reduced output on this blog. Well, the answer is quite simple. I have been writing my school reports and generally beginning to 'cross the ts' of this academic year. There is still some six weeks to go, and two more weeks of report writing' but its not all bad, as I know that the long summer holiday beckons and within it, many, many glorious hours of modelling - not to mention gaming.

So what do I intend to do with all this time? 

Re-create McDeath of course! 

Instead of just lifting the scenarios and forces from the source material, I intend to tweak things for my own ends. For starters, just to get the miniatures painted and on the table I have halved the size of all of the forces suggested in the GM's guide. 

For example, the forces of Julia McEwman were originally devised as being made up of Julia herself, Juggo the dwarf, Fergus and forty clansmen. My version will split this neatly in half but keep the characters - so I will field only twenty clansmen. In the future, when the project is well under way, I can always come back and beef up the units. 

My plan will be broken down into several stages and I am working on the first one of these as we speak. I intend to collect and paint all the forces required to fight the first battle (Winwood Harbour), build the associated model scenery required and construct a 'custom' gaming board to play it on. All before the Oldhammer Weekend in August!

I better get on with it then!


  1. Glad we hadn't lost you! Good luck with the project!

    1. I am recreating this classic in 15mm using third Ed.. I built a scratch castle in 3_D...looks incredible. I plan on using the 3rd ed. Siege rules (with some needed adjustments...some rules were broke). If interested Ill send pics. Love old school warhammer! I am a long time 15mm tabletop wargamer and so trying 15mm seemed natural. I must say the game looks awesome in 15mm. Lots of figs to choose from nowadays and way less $$$

  2. If only I'd have thought of that with my Orc's Drift project - might have taken a little less than two years to get it played!

    Good luck with the reports - a task I've been procrastinating over as usual... I just love the thrill of an impending deadline too much!

    1. Thanks! Though I must confess, it was looking at your Orc's Drift project that inspired my own take on the Scenario thing! As for reports, I should be writing them now!

  3. This i Awesome New! I was hoping that this was your plan, sir!
    I will follow you blogg with uttermust great interest!

    The Oldhammer Weekend in August, I know too little about it. How, when and who is welcome to join or just look and drink beer...or alot of bull..? =)
    I am living in Sweden and got the crazy idea that maybe I could be part of it, perhaps next year?

    1. Have a look at the Facebook Group or the Forum. You will find all you need to know in these places. The links are on the side bar to this very blog!

  4. It's not fair how well you paint. Some friends and I have started playing "Pike and Shot and Zombies" set in the Warhammer Empire using our old Warhammer models. Those McDeath scenarios would work great with the simple rules.

    1. Simplicity is often the key with narrative driven games. I have a few ideas for 'tweaks' when running this scenario - but we will hold fire on talking about that for now.

  5. Glad to see you back at it Sir
    That is quite the work load you've planned for BOYL, best of luck

    1. Hopefully, I can meet the challenge! Thanks!
