
Saturday 11 April 2015

Delving Deep: What have you forgotten you have?

I have to use this Welsh Dresser to store my collection. The wife likes to keep the rooms of our house 'in keeping' so no nasty modern furniture is allowed. This photograph shows a part of my collection AFTER we had sorted it all out. 
Asking someone to remember something they have forgotten is a rather whimsical, if impossible, activity. After all, we all tend to forget things. Now this is a rather abstract way to begin a blog post, though I can assure you that there is method in the madness. 

Stuart, a fellow collector of old Citadel from Essex, visited me at home the other day and after a little poking through the lead pile in order to set up a few trades, we started to delve a little deeper into my horde. This short exploration into my collection quickly transformed into a thorough sort out and I discovered I owned several items that I had completely forgotten about. 

By far the best find was this little rarity. Which Stuart so ably models in the photograph below. A still sealed pack of old Citadel Colour paint brushes!

I have no idea where they came from on when I bought them. No idea at all!

My collection was pretty much just shoved in the cupboard and had the doors closed on it. We pulled everything out and took further material from the bedroom cupboard. The White Dwarfs were even put in the correct order!
With this in mind I am going to ask you this. How well do you know YOUR collection? Is it spread about the house in various locations? Is it collecting dust in some attic or cellar? Well, how about you head off to the place where your stash is the greatest and have a rummage. Can YOU find something you completely forgot you had?

I was impressed with the quality of these brushes. I bought a modern Citadel brush the other day as there were some on offer in a toy shop. I had to search through about twenty of them until I found an example with a decent point. Quite frankly, they were awful. These still look good after nearly thirty years!
Get looking!



  1. Before getting back into collecting and painting Oldhammer stuff early last year, I'd forgotten that I still had my entire collection of Rogue Trader stuff tucked away in my parents attic (I had GIVEN AWAY all of my Warhammer Fantasy years ago). My brother found the box of several hundred Space Marines, Adventurers, Orks, Chaos Renegades, and Genestealers! Just a few weeks ago I posted on. My blog about finding a complete original Rhino kit.

    I have waaaay to many miniatures...

    1. I know the feeling. I am trying to work on the paint more buy less philosophy but it's not working!

  2. The advantage of only (relatively) recently getting back into wargaming is that pulling everything from storage meant I could give it all a good sort through. Unfortunately I have the opposite problem - there are still a few items that I KNOW I have that I simply can't find and have given up for lost. Sadly, one of these is my boxed cope of 2nd edition Warhammer rules, sniff...

    1. To my knowledge I have only lost one model. A dwarf miner I bought a few weeks ago. I had him one minute and he was gone the next. A mystery. But the strangest thing that happened to me was when I lost a minotaur's head down the sink only to find it returned on the draining board one morning. Spooky

  3. I actually have a pretty good idea of what all I have. My collection is a lot smaller then most of yours I'm guessing. With my main focus on my Khorne army it keeps me pretty in line with the collection. ;)

    I am amazed sometimes at the storage bins of some of our fellow Oldhammerers. I couldn't stand having a garage full of unpainted lead. I like to keep a pretty short painting queue. LOL

    1. My bin is easyily a half foot deep at least!

  4. My collection is scattered over many boxes, tubs and cupboards, so I do quite often find stuff I forgot I had. One thing I know I've got, but just cannot find, is my boxed copy of Space Crusade. I know I have it somewhere, I just don't know where. :/

    1. Space Crusade is a game I know little about. I can remember playing once over an aquaintance's house in the late '80s, but beyond that I can recall little expect for I wasn't that impressed with it at the time. More really needs to be written about the game as it seems to have been lost under the weight of its monstrous cousin, Heroquest. Perhaps you should track down that box and start writing about the game and chamge the minds of us fantasy obsessed lead-heads?

  5. I miss those brushes! Always loved that illustration on the cardboard backing too. I'm constantly sorting out my collection so unfortunately rarely come across anything I've forgotten about - rad when it does happen though!

    1. I must confess to being a bit slack with collection over the last year or so. Its pretty much sorted out now and I am starting to sell of the stuff I will never paint. Most of this is Rogue Trader studd by and large, but there will be a few fantasy pieces going. As for the brushes... I too loved the artwork on the original Citadel range and can recall finding it really attractive back in the '80s. One of the reasons I got into the painting was the great art on the boxes.

  6. My (well our) collection is spread across two 'bedrooms', no beds mind just miniatures ;)
