
Sunday 5 April 2015

A Triad of Treemen

What is better than a single treeman? The answer is really rather easy - three treemen! Now I have waxed lyrical in the past about how much I love these models and I must confess that my obsession in all things Ent (can we say that in Warhammer?) has led me to purchase two further models from eBay in recent days. Another 1985 Treebeard model, and the classic 1984 Treeman from the Second Compendium, otherwise known as 'Klinty' in McDeath collecting circles.

Its been quite a project. The model on the right has been painted three times and old Klinty was so filthy upon arrival (black grime rubbed off onto your fingers when you handled him) that he needed some serious cleaning.

If we start with the 1984 treeman, Klinty, I can tell you that he must have been popular back in the day as there are a great number of the available on-line - with the price averaging out at about £18 each. Now, as a sculpt there isn't really much going for poor old Klinty. He is a ancient solid based model back from back in the days when sculpting and casting were really quite primitive. And he looks it when you first handle him. He has a certain charm though, especially if you love treemen, and I really rather enjoyed bringing him back to life. 

I found that Dettol really helped shift thirty years of oxidisation from his surface. As I said before, he was so grimy that the black sooty stuff that seems to stick to old lead everywhere left marks on your hands. After a few hours in the brown stuff, I fished him out and was surprised (with a little help from the washing up liquid) to see how quickly that muck could be cleaned away. Undercoating was a problem, probably due to the high lead content, and my white paint just seemed to move away from the surface of the model. I found painting it on directly with a large brush stopped this.

After a few tests, I realised that the models (who are really intended to form a three tree unit) looked rather strange with individual paint schemes. So I opted to repaint the lot using a stage by stage approach and I think its fair to say that I am pretty happy with the results. Though I notice in this photograph that one of Klinty's eyes looks a bit lopsided - so I shall fix that up shortly. 

All in all, a challenging and satisfying project that has got my painting score for this holiday up to nine completed models. Hmmm, what next?


  1. Excellent article.
    I have the Klinty model and found him an odd but characterful miniature. He looks small compared to the later Marauder Treemen. I like your pair of Treebeards, I only every got the Blood Bowl version.
    I liked your description of the condition of Klinty and the paint stripping. I can relate to the condition of buying models which have be subject to 'paint abuse'.
    You have painted them up very nicely indeed. You're right, they look great with a more unified paint scheme and look very 1980's.

    1. I know you have a Klinty model Mr Goblin, because it was yours that I used as inspiration for my own. Straight brown with suitable highlights. I imagine him being an impossibly ancient treeman whose leaves have all fallen away. Thank you for your kind words and I hope to be able to field them some day in a suitably epic game.

  2. I like them, they look great, I'd live that squinty eye just as it is, adds character to the model.

    1. I may well do that Darren, thank you.

  3. Odd that the C31 treeman was on the flyer for McDeath - when John Blanche's wonderful cover to the McDeath GM's guide clearly has a picture of the ME85 Treebeard! Possibly an issue with licensing? Or dividing profits with Tolkien's estate for castings from that range?

    1. Why were many of the sculpts chosen for the scenario packs?? Now there IS a question we will probably never have answered. I mean, why have so many figures common to two or more of them? Mysteries!

  4. Arghhhhhhhhhh - I HATE Treemen!!!!!!

  5. Beautiful. I wonder what other treemen exist out there (either old citadel or any other manufacturer) that fit in with this vibe?

  6. Great painting. Really like the details and the bases are really nice (might have to try that out). Though I can't help looking at them, trying to think of an appropriate collective noun for them. Copse? How many Treeman make a forest?
