
Sunday 12 October 2014

McDeath: Juggo

Juggo- enjoying a starring competition with the sky.
I have said it before, the more often you paint, the better at painting you become. You also become faster and the turn around on models deceases until you feel like your painting armies in a week. Well, not quite. 

After some time off, largely due to returning to work, I feel like I am getting back into the swing of getting models painted. As many of you will know, batch painting of similar units is not my forte and I get bored pretty quickly when building armies. I much prefer painting random pieces from my collection, either through small projects or my larger Warhammer Bestiary mission. The odd commission also keeps things interesting. 

I have had this model, Juggo from McDeath, lying around on my painting desk for some time. He was part of a large collection of dwarf models I laid my hands on earlier on in the year. I have always admired the model, with its berserk fury and barbarian outfitting. Yet the model has none of the big crest nonsense that later slayer models were designed with. Juggo seems more real, more serious and certainly more dangerous. 

Norse Dwarfs confront a goblin raiding party.
Considering that he isn't wearing much, he gave me another opportunity to work on my paler flesh tones, after experimenting with darker tones with the Pygmy. And I can honestly say, he looks to be the best I have produced. This time I used a mix of flesh with Bestial Brown and a chestnut ink and didn't include the orange paint I have used in previous models. This resulted in the skin tone looking suitably deep and substantial as well as giving the highlights less of the bleached out look. 

The hair and beard were painted in my usual way, washing the orange basecoat with a mix of chestnut and brown ink and repainting once again with the basecoat. Highlights are then applied (orange from the paint pot) though I must confess to drybrushing over with Bleached Bone and then a yellow to further texture the hair. I repeated the leather mix I used on Malmir to paint the boots and belt and used a yellow/brown mix, highlighted up, to colour his loincloth. Foundry metallics helped work up the axe and sword in record time too. A touch of gold was added to the necklace and I used Bleached Bone to paint the thin string that holds the amulet around the neck. 

All in all, another satisfying model. 


  1. Very nicely painted indeed. Loads of character to these old models and your painting style has really helped bring this out. Very true what you say about painting and practice but motivation is such a fickle beast :-)

  2. Really nice painting job. You should paint more dwarves :)

    1. High praise indeed coming from you Jaeckel. And you are right - I should paint more dwarfs!
