
Thursday 5 September 2013

Rudesword? A Warhammer Anecdote

One of the best things about attending an event like the Oldhammer Weekend are the stories. By this I mean the tales of fellow gamers, of their struggles and triumphs, of their mishaps and mistakes. This is also true of the authors of the game and its background. I was lucky enough to be introduced to John Stallard and Rick Priestley by Diane Ansell, and among the many far flung conversations was this little gem.

Rick told us about a picture by Adrian Smith that had caused a problem or two during the publication of The Lost and the Damned. Flicking through a copy (and there were heaped about the Foundry) he pointed out the image, but didn't enlighten us to the meaning of the inscription.

Well, let's have a look at it.

Now, the inscription on the beastman's blade will mean little if you don't have access to the Dark Tongue. So here is a little iPad snap of said page page below.

With this in hand I set about trying to translate the inscription on the blade itself. My efforts are presented below. Now, I am unsure of the first word. It may well be MARS, but the final rune is flipped on its head. The rest were straight forwards until I reached the eleventh word, which either by accident or design is much harder to decipher. With a little squinting its possible. My attempt is below. I wonder if you all agree?

This discovery makes me wonder what else there is to discover between the covers of old school publications. I was startled by the depth behind each and everyone of Tony Hough's artworks and it makes me wonder what else is our out there!



  1. That is absolutely fascinating. Gutted I couldn't make it last weekend but alas 'life' just happened.

    I think the first word is Mary as in the nursery rhyme Mary had a Little Lamb. But in this case we substitute lamb for goat (and promptly kill it). Pleasant stuff! My wood elves would not approve of such vulgarities..

    1. Fresh eyes and all! Yes you are right. It appears to be Mary. It's all rather odd really, isn't it? I bet GW are glad that the Daily Mail wasn't spewing out dreadful articles back the, or this would have been front page! (;

  2. Still could be now you've "outed" it!

  3. Well, pretty tame compared to some of those hidden images in Disney ;)

  4. Nice find and great idea to sort out the runes in pics generally... wonder if there are other fun messages lurking in the tomes.

  5. This is fantastic James. Now to pour over the other images...

  6. Hahahah that's great, i so want that image on a T-shirt now. James start making 'um and a bunch of other RoC80's Tees

  7. Funny, time to start looking at the artwork with a more critical eye.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Just realised you guys had figured the Mary bit out by yourselves. Stupid me ;)

      Still, this is a great find! You, sir, are a true scholar!

  9. Ha! Great stuff. Hidden chaos nursery rhymes.

  10. You'll find a lot of these gags in GW pubs between 1986 and 1990. Tony Ackland was the master. Whenever you see a magical tome in one of his pictures, you should read the cover.
    I wrote an article called Secrets of the Warhammer Artists (Warpstone 6, reprinted in Corrupting Influence) listing averything I could find in WFRP products, but I'm sure I didn't catch everything.
