
Wednesday 8 May 2013

Arcane Armorials: Painting an Oldhammer Banner Part Two

Now the last time we spoke I had left you with a banner with a completed face. This time, I aim to take you through what I did to finish off the banner design. To be honest, it ended up a little trial and error at times, remember this is the first time I have tried something like this, but I am happy with the resilts. Like last post I will take you through a short step by step guide of what I did in the hope that others are inspired enough to have a go, no matter their skill level. 

Step Ten: Wait for your paint and ink to dry thoroughly. Then mix up a batch of your background colour and carefully re-apply to the banner, trying to tidy up the detail around the face design.

Step Eleven: Add white to the background mix, and continue to tidy up the banner, being careful not to obscure the edges of the face or the waggles (or wiggles?) that move away from the invisible centre. Don't worry if you make a few errors, some black ink subtly applied can tidy up any slippages. Continue to add white to the mix until you have the desired colour, mine being an off yellow similar to parchment.  

Step Twelve: Using an off white mix (to create this just add a smidgen of your background base to white) start to weather the edges of the banner. I did this with vertical strokes, inspired by the waft (or is it weft?) found in fabrics and concentrated around the edges. Later, once this had dried, I painted on lines in a horizontal fashion to even out the appearance of the shading. Using the same mix, I painted a lighter outline around the face and the waggles to enhance the central design and add coherency to banner. 

Step Thirteen: I toyed with adding writing (taken from the Dark Tongue section in the Lost and the Damned) but I wasn't satisfied with the finished result. So I painted over my efforts and added some additional waggles (or wiggles?), again edging with of white. I mixed up some pure white, and very finely highlighted the very edges of the banner. And I was done - just the basic painted on the banner pole in the future when I fix this to a miniature. 

And there we have it! The finished banner. What do you, dear followers (and lurkers), think of my efforts? Any comments? Have you had a go at an Oldhammer style banner in the past and can provide a link? I'd love to see, and be inspired by, other slaves to the brush.



  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Totally worth it, the results are wonderful, centerpiece of any army.

  2. Fantastic banner and thank you for these posts.I have never attempted such a thing however your posts on shields and banners has solved my problem.I have my Khorne chaos dwarf army to finish for Oldhammer day and was anguishing about thess aspects.
    Now armed with these tutorials i will attempt these with confidence that they will be more pleasing to the eye.

  3. Great job - the blue ink around the mouth and the weathering on the banner look fantastic.

  4. A wonderful banner and article worthy of a place in any White Dwarf Heavy Metal piece.

  5. Great post and a smashing banner James - what Windsor and Newton inks would you recommend for a beginner like me?


  6. Great bannner ... and a great tutorial.

  7. Very impressive results. I always dread shields and banners and I'm sure I'll return to this post when I need to do a scratch built banner.

  8. here is my first free hand banner attempt using this guide.really enjoy the blog.
