
Sunday 7 April 2013

Realm of Chaos Khorne Army WIP

Good morning dear readers! I bought the wife an iPad mini and fancied trying out the camera software that came with it... What better excuse to take a few snaps of what I have been working on lately, namely models for my Khorne Army. I also included an army shot or three.

On to the models then...

The famous chaos marauder with hands on hips. I had to include him because I feel he's so iconic. Did you know there is a rare helmeted variant of this model?
This was a 99p eBay special. I didn't even bother to strip this one down, just washed over the armour with purple and black inks and drybrushed silver over the top.
Experimented with Go Faster Red with this model. I didn't really like the result, but there you go.
Pink horror, to join my blue one. These models are great fun to paint.
Finally, three snaps of the painted part of the army. I reckon I must  be a third of the way through now.

Well there you are. I did a rough tally of points using Warhammer Armies and Slaves to Darkness and can tell you this army will probably weigh in over 4000 points when its finished, perhaps more! One thing that I love about old school armies is the lack of uniformity. When each model has its own colour scheme and outline the slightly artificial nature of monopose, and semi-monopose, armies is reduced making the force seem, well, more believable. 

 As always, any thoughts and opinions are very much appreciated.



  1. lovely looking army! not sure about the wallpaper though... ;O)

  2. I can't believe how fast that lot is coming together. Especially when you are lavishing so much attention on those magnificent shields. Great stuff.

    1. Actually, the shields don't take that long Harry, 30 mins tops plus drying time. I really enjoy painting them too.

  3. Go Fasta Red was one of my favorite colors at the time. I remember how disappointed I was when my pot ran out and I found out the color had been discontinued!

    1. I may be wrong but isn't the coat d'arms paint range basically the old citadel colours range? I think hasslefree have just started selling them.

    2. Yes, but they don't have a version for all the older colours. Bilious Green, Titillating Pink and Go Faster Red and some others are only available second hand now... They are well worth hunting down though.

    3. There is a collectors' market in second hand pots of quarter of a century old paint?! The big clear out of 1996 is looking worse every time I look back.

  4. They look great, and seem ready to collect many skulls. Awesome army.

    1. Thanks. I was quite surprised how good they look together without a unified colour scheme.

  5. A very nice looking army, and I love the old style shield work. You have inspired me to dig out my old chaos army and rebase/repaint it.
    I noticed your chaos marauder with the hands on the hips, and posted the helmeted version of him you mentioned on my blog.

    1. Thanks, and a great looking blog you have there with plenty of old lead on show. You better get that marauder repainted, he looks a little abused.

  6. Your iPad camera seems to work really well. When utilising the camera on my iPhone 4 I find very pleasing results can be achieved providing conditions are really good; a good source of natural daylight being paramount. Your army looks like Brian Ansell's in the pic you use in your 'About Me' info!

    1. That must be the ultimate compliment for an Oldhammerer! To have an army painted like the Mighty Avenger himself, so thanks! Actually, I take most of my influences from Slaves to Darkness when it comes to paint schemes. As for the iPad, it was indeed natural light that I used, I find that it is best in the early morning.

  7. Great post Orlygg, I didn't know he was rare I have three of that miniature with the helmet but none of the him without the helmet, if you want one let me know and I'll post you one.

    1. Oh yes please, email me at and we can sort it out. Thanks Jason!

  8. They look lovely and inspiring! Totally charming army!
