
Friday 2 November 2012

DA RETURN OF DA GOLDEN GOBBOS! The second Oldhammer painting competition: This time, it's MONSTERS!

After the success (if you could call it that) of the first competition, and discussions with other members of the community I am proud to officially launch the second Oldhammer painting competition.

This time, it's monsters!

Yes, that is correct! Anything goes! Be it big, be it small, be it good, be it evil! As long as its a monster it can be entered into this competition.

To be precise, any 'creature' that would have been mounted on a large 40mm square base in the Warhammer Third Edition rulebook. Or, indeed a base larger than that, if that tickles your fancy! 


After running the first competition, we have obviously learnt a little bit about running a competition of this type. 

1) One, be tighter on the deadlines. You miss the deadline and that its it. We will not be stretching the closing date as we did last time. Voting will be handled over at the Bloodforum. The poll will become active as soon as the closing date has passed. Voting will be carried out over the next 14 days and will then cease and the winner announced.

2) Never ending stories! Narratives that support the monster's background. This was inspired by Gaj's lengthy, and very entertaining, narratives that he writes in support of his battle reports. They are an amusing nod to classic Citadel ads that often included stories of this type. Here are a few examples from 'back in the day'!

As you can see, each ad was support by full rules and an amusing story to introduce the 'flavour' or the unit or creature type. I feel that this is a perfect addition to our competition and one that many entrants included previously. If you are particularly flash with photoshop style programs and feel like you could create your own 'ad' like the examples illustrated then please feel free to do so (just enclose them alongside your pdfs and Word documents.)

Regulations for Entry

1) Miniatures entered into the competition can be from any manufacturer or even private sculpts but need to be in spirit of the 'citadelesque' nature of Warhammer and Rogue Trader mythos. Original Citadel, Marauder, Ral Partha, Grenadier etc miniatures are, obviously, the main focus of these blogs but don't be afraid to enter something else if your really passionate about it. 

Considering that we are drawing on the 1980s and early 90s as inspiration that gives you a great deal of freedom. One thing that is important in Oldhammer is the freedom to do what YOU want with no restrictions about paint schemes or army lists etc to interfere with your imagination. 

2) Miniatures are to be based monsters, preferably mounted on a square 40-50mm base (the monster base) though there is no real restriction on the shape of the base. 

3) Miniatures need to be accompanied with full stats, equipment and narrative 'fluff' background story!

Obviously the stats and equipment are pretty straight forwards, but as Warhammer 3rd edition is the main focus of Oldhammer, 3rd edition stats are preferred but are not necessary. Feel free to use 1st, 2nd or even WFRP stats if you prefer. Rogue Trader stats are also very welcomed. As for the fluffy background story, there is no need to write Lord of the Rings. I would suggest a word limit of about 300 words to make reading backgrounds easier for us all but to give a little bit of space for development if you so wish. Obviously, the theme of your background is up to you but existence in, relevance to the worlds of Warhammer 3rd and Rogue Trader are preferred.

4) The winner is to be judged by us all. 

Voting will be organised over at the specialist Oldhammer forum after the closing date has passed (5th January 2013). If you are unaware of this essential resource for retro lead and classic Warhammer gaming then follow this link (

5) Have fun! 

Get out there and hunt through that mountain of lead and find that figure you have been meaning to paint for years but haven't because it doesn't fit in with the army or armies you are currently working on. The emphasis is on creativity here rather than straight up flash painting, after all, there are other competitions out there for being anal about your skills. DON'T FEEL INTIMIDATED TO ENTER!

6) KEEP THINGS SECRET! In the spirit of competition, don't post WIP on blogs or forums.

Let's keep things nice and secretive before the big day. I am sure you will agree with me when I say the thing that excites me the most about this little competition is having a good look at what other collectors and painters enter.

7) Send in your entries as jpeg images (or equivalent) with written texts, rules and equipment lists attached as a Word document. 

This should stop the problem of not having images available to browse when voting. In the previous competition, entries arrived in a large number of different formats. This should make things easier for us at this end and should ultimately raise your viewing pleasure after the closing date has passed. 

Launch Date: 1st November 2012
Closing Date: 5th January 2013
Voting 6th - 20th January

Winner Announced 21st January 

If you are interested in entering a miniature in Oldhammer's Golden Gobbos then just email me at:

Provide your name (real or nick), preferred email address and link to your blog/web page if you have one.

Plenty of time to mull things over, I am sure that you will agree! Additionally, there were some very generous (and modest) individuals who offered prizes for the last competition. We have been discussing the notion of an 'online trophy' but donations as prizes would be very well received - thank you!

Contact me if you have any further questions.




  1. Lovely news, I'll enter for sure. Just one entry per user? Martin

  2. hmmm...let's see what i have lying around here...
