
Saturday 11 August 2012

Warhammer Novels: 'The Black Sail' Short Story

Sometime ago I posted a discussion concerning the range of novels published by GW Books in the late 80s. This was followed up with a further dip into the classic age of Warhammer fiction with 'No Gold in the Grey Mountains' and 'The Magician's Son' (read them here).

Lead Legion commented that he recalled another short story that was published in WD, something to do with Tzeentchian pirates along the River Reik, but couldn't remember any further details.

Well quite by accident I stumbled across the story. Its called the 'Black Sail' and it was written by Neil McIntosh, who would later go on to write 'The Star of Erengrad' among other titles for the Black Library. The illustrations were done by Martin (no, not the hypnotist) Mckenna and the equally talented Stephen Tappin.

Here's the link.


Enjoy this slice of retro fiction.



  1. That was a good read! I'm a boat guy and this was handled very well in the story...a well written narrative all around.

  2. There's a two part piece about Felix & Gotrek working as sewerjacks in... Nuln? Can't remember which city. It's "Skaven's Claw" written by Bill King. Good read, though I only have part 1 (#152). Maybe time for a few pages worth of scanning? ;)
