
Monday 3 June 2013

Thoughts on Estalia, Khorne miniatures and more!

Hello one and all!

Some of you may have been intrigued to know the reason for my absence from the old school scene, well I have been on my holidays (with wife, kids and in-laws) to Spain and have had not touched base with this blog, my Facebook group or the Bloodforum for many days. Having a bit of time away from work and hobby is always a good thing as it gives you the time to reflect on how things are going with your collecting and painting. I spent a week or so in Jaeva (or Xabia in Catalan) pondering how best to draw my Khorne army to a close, what to do next and if the many people I met or walked past, or sat next to, were secret Oldhammer fans. Perhaps I should have worn one of my t-shirts?

I didn't do any hobby. Though I did toy with the idea of taking some paints and miniatures with me, though the hassle of shifting the basics across the world was too great. I did read Zaragoz though, which was quite apt as the story was set in Estalia. I intend to do a post about the novel in the near future.

However, I was quite busy up to the point of holidaying and thought you might be interested to see what I have been working on. Namely, the final unit for my Khorne army, a monster of an eBay steal and a shield or two. So without much of a furtherado, let's have a look!

The Citadel Spider! An 1985 sculpt I think. This was a real steal on eBay and cost me a couple of quid. It was broken but was a fairly routine fix. Lots of washes and drybrushing produced a rather realistic, for a gigantic spider, look. I made the base by sticking two 40mms together.

Four thugs. All Khorne!

More thugs. More Khorne!

This was my first Fraser Grey inspired shield. I used the boss to form the nose though I shied away from enamels!
As I was saying earlier, I spent quite a bit of time toying with the idea of what to do next. The challenge of working on the giant spider was a real eye-opener for me, so I thought about painting up a menagarie of monsters as a next step. Off the top of my head, I own a giant bat, a chimera and a manticore. All interesting pieces to work on. Then there is the 25th anniversary of Slaves to Darkness. I've just spent six months with a mortal Khorne force and fancy a daemonic Slanneshi legion. Or there is the human army I was contemplating, probably an Imperial one.


To help with this I am after some specific models. After my first tumble with the world of trading, I've got loads of wonderful miniatures but nothing I can make a decent unit out of. These are what I am after. I am open to trades but would prefer to buy outright. This is what I am after, can anyone help?




  1. The shield with the boss for a nose is quite outstanding! the 3-D effect is very good.

  2. Nice work and welcome back to the internets

  3. Welcome back to the world of dreams and madness. Great paintjob. The shield is breathtaking...and funny.

  4. Hope you enjoyed the Mediterranean experience. But if you were reading 'Zaragoz', you should have visited the city of Zaragoza! :D (I stayed there for a few months some years ago and it's quite a nice place)
    Those minis are great, the spider makes me shiver, brrrr, but the nose-shield is simply superb!

  5. Clever to use the boss for the nose! Is the warband ready (group photo please)? Paining monsters sounds like a great idea - been doing larger minis for a while myself and am considering the same thing. Maybe a coatl, a plague demon and a great unclean one for me. We'll see.

  6. I can help a bit.
    Drop me a PM on the forum.

  7. What a great group of Khorne worshippers, another really intersting thing about your shield is the use of its shape added to the use of its nose.
    Im' currently building a khorne warband myself and I was about to use the boss to make an eye!

    Very inspiring job...

    Sorry not to have anything to help you with your wanted models

  8. Great shield, I'd say you've done Fraser proud!

  9. fantastic chaos thugs, I wish I was brace enough to attempt that red on mine, welcome back I was missing my 80's RoC fix

  10. I believe I have a few of the old 3rd edition empire knights you can have, probably more so with the mounted legs and lance arms than the infantry legs, but you are welcome to have them as I'll never paint them tbh.
    Michael Cassidy on the oldhammer FB group, drop me a PM there.

  11. holy cow that shield is bloody amazing!
